McBride Land & Development Co. was incorporated in 1995 and has been at its present location at 1553 S.E. Fort King Street, Ocala, Florida, since its inception.
McBride Land has sold over 2,000 individual parcels of land totaling over 30,000 acres and has assisted in the development and sale of over 60 residential and acreage tract subdivisions.
McBride Land specializes in the development of residential subdivisions, mini-farms, mobile home subdivisions, and larger acreage tracts, ranging in size from 5 to 6,500 acres.
McBride Land primarily markets properties owned by Sandy McBride, its President, or partnerships of which Sandy McBride has an interest.
This allows the Company to focus on properties of which it has the most knowledge and expertise, which assures the buyer that they are receiving accurate information to make a knowledgeable decision. In addition, relating directly with the seller allows the buyer to immediately obtain the best price and terms available.